Treatment Articles

A small girl receiving Cranial Sacral Therapy


Cranial Sacral Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy is an alternative form of therapy that has proven beneficial in treating Sensory Processing Disorder for many people.

Other Articles In This Section

Treating SPD Through OT and Sensory Diets — The articles in this section of our website discuss the many beneficial routes that can be used to help treat a child or adult with Sensory Processing Disorder. Surely, SPD can be overcome – one day at a time. No, sorry; we don't have a miracle cure to offer you. We do, however, have a ton of experience at using a combination of occupational therapist guided treatment programs and well designed sensory diets to see a child with SPD 'break out of their shell'.

An important article filled with information on how to appropriately set up a home-made sensory diet, which is critical for effectively treating SPD.

If you are trying to find an occupational therapist who treats children with SPD, our guide to finding an OT should really help you out.

Therapeutic Listening is a program designed to help treat (primarily) Auditory and Vestibular Dysfunction for children with SPD. Learn about it here.

Interactive Metronome (IM) is a computer based, timing focussed treatment protocol that is capable of improving many areas, especially auditory processing and praxis/motor skills. Read about the many ways in which it can provide benefits for you or for your child with Sensory Processing Disorder here.

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